Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Well its a brand new year and I hope this one is a good one. Not that my years have not been good but I would like this one to be the best. I have to get back into shape and I would like to do that before the Summer. Now I just have to get motivated. Why can't it just be easy like you say you are going to work out and you just do it instead of sitting in front of the computer or Tv and not doing a thing. So that is my goal right now. I want to be able to race up and down the street with Ayden and not die in the process.... So now just have to figure on what I have to do to get ther....hmmmmmm

Our New Years was nice and quiet well except for the horns that Ayden was blowing. He was so excited that it was New Years even though he didn't know what it meant. It was still really cute.

When I was younger and without kids I did a program called Big Brother/Big Sister. Candice was 11 when I met her and here she is 23. Wow where did the time go. She is still living in Milwaukee and is still going to college. She is coming up this weekend and going to introduce me to the guy she is going to one day marry. I am so proud of her and she is doing so good in life. I love and cherish all the time that we spent together. I am also glad that I am still involved in her life. I will post some pictures after this weekend.... I so can't wait.

So far that is all that is going on in our lives right now....