Monday, March 10, 2008

Working Out

So we have decided that its time to get HEATHY, basically all I want to do is get rid of the baby weight that I gained after haveing Ayden....LOL Its funny I gained more weight after I was preggos then I did while carrying Ayden. Oh well now its on to better things like working out at the "YCA" as Ayden calls it... its so cute. He loves it there and always has a good time when we go. He loves going into the daycare "Markers and Colors" oh boy. I take him swimming a coupld times a week. He is slowly getting used to the water and I can't wait to get him to a lake this summer. We are going to do swimming classes this summer or fall. I think it would be good for him and I learned to swim at an early age and I love to swim to this day. I am just not a huge fan of Lake water....I think it was the tramatic experience of having a fish come up and take a nibble out of my butt when younger...LOL

Anyways things are going good here. Not much has changed. Oh yeah its suppose to be in the 40's here this week...wooooohooo!!!! I am so ready for spring to be here.

We are going to Kevin's sisters house this weekend. That should be a good time.

Easter is just around the corner and I am excited to start getting the kids Easter Baskets ready. Trying to think of good things to get them plus I am sure that each will have a movie in the basket... Ayden has been asking for 101 Dalmations "PUPPIES"...LOL and Hanna is easy because she loves the Barbie movies or Hannah Montana...LOL

Well I think that is it for now...
Oh yeah I still have not dropped any pounds while working out.... I guess I am going to have to cut out the Girl Scout Cookies...uuuuuggghhhhh

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