This is when Ayden was born. I woke up at about 11:30pm 7/28/05 and my water was breaking. I tell you it was the weirdest but coolest feeling ever. I woke up Kevin while I was running to the bathroom. He quickly got on the phone to the hospital (Unity) to find out if we should come in right away. I was laughing. I knew the time was coming when I was finally going to meet my baby. I drove to the hospital... we got there and check in. During that time it was already the 29th. I asked what the date was, when I told I realized that Ayden as born on my dad's birthday... Funny. So finally at about 5:30 am the nurse came in to tell me that they were going to try to speed things up with some good ole Pitocin (hate that stuff) to get me to have contractions. I had Kevin, Carrie (my sister), Addie (my sister) and Renee (Kevin's sister) all in the room with me. I made some cry and others think twice about having kids (Addie). I was begging for an epidural. I still was not dialated to 4 yet. That was at about 3pm on the 29th. Finally the doctor came in and new that there was something going on. For all those hours in hard labor I was not dialating to anything. The doctor then decided to do an emergency c-section. I got my epidural and I felt so good after that... I remember the nurse asking me if I was ok after the epidural and I love I couldn't feel anything and that was great. :) They had decided that Ayden was caught on something but unsure of what really. Into surgery I went. Kevin was admitted in. Everyone else waited. By that time my mom was there too. 7:56pm 7/29/05 Ayden Timothy Peterson was born to Parents Lynn and Kevin Peterson and sister Hanna Peterson.
I don't think that I have ever been happier in my whole life. There has been happy very happy moments in my life but the moment that you have a child and you look at that childs face.... There is nothing like that feeling.
Milestones before he was 1 years old were~
He started crawling at about 5 months old.
Walking about 9.5 months old

Ayden was about a year old here. I don't have the actually picture yet. Grandma Peterson is looking for one for me. I didn't have a digital at that time.

This is when I turned 2 years old and my whole family celebrated with me.
I learned how to ride a bike when I was 2.
I could climb a fence at 2.
I am a man on the go and no one can hold me down :)
Now this month I am going to turn 3 years old.....OH BOY!!!!
Ayden is turning 3 years old on July 29......
Here are some pictures of his big moments