I know I know I really should be more active. Its summer all Ayden wants to do is be outside and when we do have to be in the house its "Play Game" so here I am adding a post at work...LOL
So what has been going on lately... My little sister graduated from High School and will be starting College in the fall. I am very very proud of her. Dang I still have to give her the card that Ayden and I forgot to give at the party. OPPS!
I am have to start working out again..... YMCA here I come.
So I took Ayden to the Columbia Heights Carnival and he had a blast. He rode on 2 rides (that is our limit). Then we played with the boys. We went with, Carol, Nathan, Mo, Sue, Theresa and Travis. It was so much fun and Ayden had a blast with everyone. Then 10 on the dot the fireworks started and my wonderful little fun loving boy turned into this scared,crying, wanting to go home little boy. I felt so bad and if I could have found everything I would have just left but it was dark and everything was everywhere. So Ayden and I laid under the blanket holding each other until all the BANGS, BOOMS, and Whistles stopped. Then he was fine again.. Oh yeah I don't think that I told Carol this but he asked me if I liked Carol and Sue and I said YES and he said I LOVE THEM....LOL I think it was all the cookies, gum, reeses peanut butter cups and chips that they gave him....LOL All in all he had a great time.
The next day we went to Kevin's parents house to hang out with them. We ended up going to the Blazin 4th... another carnival. Ayden got to go on 3 rides because Grandpa got him tickets...LOL
Pictures are included...LOL
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