We went to North Dakota this last weekend. It was our first trip with the kids since Ayden was born. So almost 3 years. We figured it was time and we were in need of some away from home time. Friday morning we packed up the car, snacks, movies and kids.... and on our 4 hour voyage. The car trip was great. The kids watched movies and Ayden took a nap. No fighting and yelling just peace. Katie my sister in law was graduating College so the is why we chose Fargo North Dakota. We are so proud of her. It was fun. Ayden got a little antsy waiting for the cereomny to start so we went outside.... It was a nice day. After that was all said and done, Katie got her dipomia we went back to our hotel and checked in. The kids were ready for swimming but first we had to meet everyone for dinner. It was good and the kids were ok.... but it was such a busy and long day that I felt bad for them and we left we go swimming at the hotel. I actually drank 2 cans of beer. For those that just don't know me very well that is a great accomplishment because again since Ayden has been born I don't get out to drink (not that I was big on it anyways). Saturday we hung out.... Then the rest of the crew came and we celebrated Mothers Day, Hanna's birthday and Tylers Birthday. It was nice and the kids had a blast. We then all went for Chinese at this really nice buffet. It was good. We went back to take the kids swimming oh yeah and at our hotel we had mini golf in-doors. All in all our trip was great but like all trips they have to come to an end and it was great coming home and sleeping in my own bed. Thanks to Katie and Josh for a wonderful time.
Sounds Like you had a great trip~ there is something on your blog that could that I don't agree with~ what about the good old day's at the maid? You seem to have held your own then.
oops, a little bit of a typo there.
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